How to run a SMS Text marketing campaign.

How to run a SMS Text marketing campaign.

Warning SMS marketing can seriously increase your sales, are you ready! SMS campaigns have been estimated to be 10 times more effective than print ads and 5 times more effective than standard mail.

SMS text marketing is a fresh and more improved method to marketing. It reaches out directly to the mobile phones of your client base or future client base. It creates a personal communication route betwen your company and mobile users. This is why it is very important to understand the do’s and don’ts of sms text marketing.


  • Before you can run a text marketing campaign you will need to have a list of mobile phone numbers to contact. Ensure that the list of people that you will be marketing to has opted in to your service to receive information.
  • Send your prospects short, snappy useful information, vouchers or promotional discounts on products that you know they are interested in.
  • Include a phone number or website address in the text
  • Include an easy opt-out solution


  • Don’t oversell, your text should offer something that the user would normally not receive. e.g. discount, VIP club, etc…
  • Don’t spam, if someone has opted-out ensure that they will never receive a text from you in the future
  • Don’t send a text to someone that has never opted-in
  • Be a clock-watcher, don’t send texts late at night