SMS Opt-In Service

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Let the Pros Handle Your Opt-in Woes

Using text messaging on iPhoneGet more from your business marketing efforts by engaging your target audience with a 5-digit mobile short code. Your customers are busy, provide an instant call-to-action with a personal short code keyword for your business.
Text ADIKAT to 51444 OR Get a free no obligation quote today
01 443 4262

Adikat SMS Opt-in Solution

Build a target audience with easy engagement using Adikat’s SMS 5-digit shortcode provider that allows brands to run ethical SMS marketing campaigns.

  • Collect contact data from the Opt-in texts to your mobile shortcode.
  • Generate qualified prospects who have willfully opted-in to receive your SMS marketing content
  • Improve your brand’s awareness and boost sales

Importance of SMS Opt-in and Recipient Consent

The DPC (Data Protection Commission) of Ireland, binds all the marketers, businesses and advertisers under the Regulation 13 of the ePrivacy Regulations (SI 336/2011) to clearly ask for an affirmative consent of the recipient in the shape of Opt-in to be able to send them marketing content of any sort through SMS.

As a responsible business, you need to take these regulations seriously and avoid being party to the companies and advertisers who violate privacy laws. Before launching your SMS marketing campaign, make sure you have explicit permission to contact your clients via SMS. Importantly, respecting the client’s consent also increases the chances of your message being more relevant to the audiences who have consented to hear from you.

Customers expect advertisers to be fair. Above all, SMS opt-in service is a must. If you plan to give out some special deals, notify your audience of the benefits of opting for your SMS. Try to make it a win-win for both sides. 

How Adikat’s SMS Opt-in Solution Works?

Adikat Mobile SMS solutions is a leading mobile shortcode service provider in Ireland offering compliant and state of the art Opt-in SMS Solution, wherein, the subscribers willfully opt to receive the marketing messages from a particular company/entity by texting a keyword to a mobile shortcode. Below is how it works in a few easy steps:

Opt-in pipeline proces
  • Step 1 – Create an Account: Subscribe for Adikat’s short code service and create an online account with us
  • Step 2 – Select a Short Code Keyword: Set up a short code keyword related to your niche. If you are selling products related to sports, you may choose the keyword ‘Sportsgear’.
  • Step 3 – Incentivise and Advertise: Enhance your advertising by adding a competition or a special offer that will entice people to text. Example, Text Sportsgear to 51444 to receive 20% off on item X.

    Create multiple groups to segment your audience based on different marketing campaigns.
  • Step 4 – Receive Shortcode Keyword Messages Texts to your keyword are added to your contact list under the ‘Sportsgear’ group. An auto-response would be sent to them with their coupon details.
  • Step 5 – Compile Prospective Leads: The texter’s contact information is saved into the contact list under the specified group. The list can be compiled and used for your SMS marketing campaigns.

    You now have a segmented list that you know consists of people who are interested in purchasing sports gear.

Add Additional Keyword to Expand your Campaign

When the campaign is complete, set up another keyword for ‘Rugby’ then advertise Text Rugby to 51444 to register to win a Ireland  vs France Rugby T-Shirt.

The additional keyword gives you the opportunity to segment your prospects. Simply, create two groups for each of the subscriber interested in your products; one group for ‘Sportsgear‘ prospects and another for ‘Rugby‘ prospects. Our system will automatically segment the prospects into each group.

This Target Marketing System helps you Make More Sales?

Get Started Today!

Just Text ADIKAT to 51444 OR Get a free no obligation quote today from ; 01 443 4262